
Monday, 31 August 2015

My speech!

Here is a video of me saying my speech! WHY WE SHOULD HAVE LOCKERS! Wow! what a day! I just read my speech out to the whole class! but I didn't get to any of the finals but I am still happy! because a lot of people gave me positive feedback and they really liked my speech!. I'm also very proud of myself because I tried my best!. When it came to the school speech finalist everyone was so excited because they were cheering for there friends. In our class Ivorn , Faiupu and Hermione made it to the finals! and Maasouama made it to but she is in room 15. But they did really well! and i think they did really great! and everyone who participated in the school finalist were really good! they each had a good pace and they had a original topic like  they didn't do the same speech topic. But i wish everyone could be in the speech finalist but we could only have 4 people so yeah and most of them got to the finals! and I hope one of them wins!.


  1. Aloha Arohi,
    Well done doing your speech I know it was a hard time for you but you did great. I agree with you we should have lockers. Great job,Arohi I have something for you to check. First please make sure that you put a capital letter when it is after a "!" and make sure that you and you don't start with a and,and check your little "I" and maybe you could use less shouting marks. But by the way you did a great job. Make sure you check this before you post this up.

  2. Wow!! KIA Ora Arohi .I absolutely LOVE your speech topic also listening to it and finding out some SHOCKING INFO.

  3. Thanks Dinah and Ivorn for the wonderful feedback


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